OldeGreybeard's Tavern

The Adventure Starts Here

For D&D 4e discussions and live game invitations…


Welcome Adventurer!!!

Within these walls, we keep the spirit of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition alive.

Much like the organized chaos you might find in a wizard’s laboratory, this site is an assorted collection of things that have a purpose, but not a good place to live. You’ll find the character sheets that are (were) used in assorted streamed games. I have some links to my products that you can find over at DriveThruRPG. There are a few articles that are more static than what is shared in the newsletter. And, of course, there are links to the other places where you can find the bulk of my work.

So, ignore the mess, come on in, grab a tankard of ale, and sit by the fire. OldeGreybeard’s Tavern is an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and we love nothing more than to talk about our adventures and nearly everything related to D&D 4th edition.

Form-Fillable 4e Character Sheet

I’ve come upon several form-fillable character sheets in my travels, but none of them really did it for me. They all seemed to be missing some of the fields and did not tab the way I would like. So I decided to create my own.

I am not sure if this one will satisfy your needs, but feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think.

D&D 4e Form Fillable Character Sheet
D&D 4e Published Products

While it may seem like 4th edition came and went very fast, in four short years there were no less than 76 books published for it. This includes core books, supplements, adventure modules, and box sets. I am over halfway to completing my collection.

If you are a player wondering which books to start with, you really just need the Player’s Handbook. It has all of the rules and everything you need to create a character and get started. If you want more character class options, then Player’s Handbook 2 is a great choice as it offers the barbarian, the druid, and the sorcerer among others. The powers books are also an excellent source of additional options. They are not required, but give you a ton of flexibility.

If you are a Dungeon Master, then the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual are the way to go. They are both excellent. Keep on the Shadowfell is the first 4th edition product released and is a nice adventure for someone just learning the game. I would also recommend the Dungeon Master’s Guide 2. It is one of the best DM guides of all time and has great tools for any RPG.

4e Published Products

D&D 4e Game System License

A lot has been said about the Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition Game System License (GSL). Many have claimed that it was a primary reason why the game did not take off. This unofficial archive contains the core documents so you can judge for yourself.

GSL Archive

What I Do?

Most of my content can be found over at my newsletter. I post thoughts on assorted 4th edition topics and I, sometimes, share encounters that I’ve created. Playing in a live game is exclusive to newsletter subscribers, and FREE, so if you would like to play in a 4e game, subscribe and then check out any of the recent posts for the sign-up link.

There was a time when I would post regular content on my YouTube channel. I do not do this as much anymore as I struggled to keep up with the grind. This channel is mostly where you will find the streamed 4e games. Again, subscribe to the newsletter if you would like to play in a future game.

I sometimes create encounters in the style of 4e. For..reasons…these encounters use 5e rules, but they are designed to be as easy for the Dungeon Master as those created for 4th edition. You can find them under Shenanigans Media over at DriveThruRPG. By the way, if you are a paid newsletter subscriber, you get PDFs of my published encounters for free when they are released. (be aware that they are inconsistently released)

Finally, I am a forever DM. If you would like me to DM your 4th edition game, you can check out my profile on StartPlaying.com.

If you are looking to connect with me on Social Media, you will probably be disappointed. I do have profiles on most of the main players, but I rarely contribute anything. I won’t post the links here as I would hate to waste your time. If you search for OldeGreybeard at the places, you’ll find me.

Character Sheets

I’ve created many characters on my live-stream. I have also streamed several solo games and I recently started streaming 4e games with actual players. Below you will find the character sheets used in those sessions.

If you would like to participate in a future streamed game, make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter and add your name to the list. You can find the signup link in any of the recent newsletter posts.

D&D 4th Edition Dungeon Clashes

Next session premieres on October 17, 2024
Watch Game from September 12, 2024

Character Creation Live Stream

D&D 4th Edition Solo Games